
Art On The Zoo Fence Rules

Exhibiting is a privilege, and with it comes a responsibility to follow the rules set forth by the Committee. Failure to do so will result in one verbal warning, one written warning, and then forfeiture of the opportunity to exhibit on the fence.


Art On The Zoo Fence is an organization dedicated to educating, informing, and encouraging art appreciation and providing a showcase for local artists to display their work and to dispense the “Spirit of Aloha” to visitors and locals.

Art On The Zoo Fence is the organization that stages and maintains the exhibit. The governing body is the Liaison Committee/Board of Directors, which is elected by the permanent members each January. The Committee President will appoint any required replacements.

The established bylaws are based upon the rules set forth by the Department of Parks and Recreation in order for the organization to receive a permit to operate. These rules are approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and are maintained by the President.


Member Duties

  • The President is responsible to the membership for promptly resolving all issues brought forward. He or she will maintain these rules and be involved with overall operations of the organization. The President will call meetings of the general membership when deemed necessary.
  • The Secretary ensures all artists have a personal General Excise Tax License in their name, maintains a phone list, arranges for stand-bys to fill empty spaces, and assigns permanent members spaces. The Secretary will issue a copy of these rules to each artist prior to showing, provide phone lists to members each year and provide a current listing of artists to the Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts each year.
  • The Treasurer collects dues, keeps financial records, pays bills, conducts banking business and submits a quarterly financial report. The Treasurer must report all expenditures over $50.00 to the committee.
  • The Liaison Committee screens new artists, enforces the rules, approves artwork, and votes to make decisions regarding day-to-day operations of the organization.
  • A member will be responsible for setting up and taking down the signs and flags. Flags and signs will be put up as early as feasible and remain up during the advertised art show hours.



One liaison member is assigned to manage advertising and will seek the best rate on advertising approved by the Board of Directors. Members are encouraged to seek sources of free advertising for the good of the group. Members or stand-by artists may not advertise competing events while at the show.

Any photos taken by artists on the zoo fence and posted to social media or their own websites is done on their own behalf and is not entitled to any reimbursement form the zoo fence artists. But we encourage everyone to share and promote the zoo fence.



Weather permitting, all artists are expected to honor the Zoo Fence Show’s announced and posted hours of 9:00AM to 3:00PM



Stand-by artist: $9.00 per day plus $1.00 for charity.

Permanent members: $5.00 per day plus $1.00 for charity, entitling them to an assigned space.

  • Due quarterly on the first weekend of the month to renew member status
  • Membership renewal must be approved by no less than 2 board members
  • The following board members are exempt from the fees
    • President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • The person in charge of flags and signs.

Stand-by Artists and Permanent Members

Stand-by Artists are artists that show up on the day and hang their work when a space is available. Stand-by artists may exhibit if only if space is available.

Permanent Members are artists that have paid dues ahead of time (quarterly) and have an assigned space that is reserved for them unless they don’t show up on time or forfeit their space by letting the secretary know.



Based on seniority, stand-by artists may become permanent members as space becomes available. Stand-by artists who fail to participate or contact the secretary for one month will be dropped from the list and will forfeit seniority.

Permanent members who fail to pay in full after one month will lose membership and seniority. If any member is not approved for renewal they will lose membership and seniority. All members will provide current telephone numbers.



Anyone is welcome to participate, subject to all the rules outlined in this document.

  • Artists may show only their own work. No agents or sales persons are allowed.
  • If an artist is unable to attend, their space will be forfeited for that day.
  • Artists may share a space, but both must pay regular fees for the opportunity to exhibit.
  • When a new artist is first showing their work on the fence, they need to sign a physical copy of the rules and each of their artworks need to be approved by no less than 2 committee members.


Dress and Conduct

  • Artists and their guests will dress appropriately for doing business.
  • Artists will act professionally and respect customers and fellow artists.
  • Artists will keep assigned spaces neat and orderly.
  • Artists will not use mats on the ground for sitting or sleeping.
  • Artists will not allow their children to disrupt others.
  • No one should interrupt the other artists or block views of their works when they are speaking with clients.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the zoo fence side of Monsarrat Ave by exhibiting artists and if any artist wishes to smoke or vape it should be done on the other side of Monsarrat Ave.

Examples of unacceptable conduct: leaving space for extended periods, showing a customer another artist’s work but not ”handing off” to that other artist, or removing another artist’s work from the fence. Yelling at any other person. Name calling, insults, bullying, etc.. Basically be a professional adult.


Media Criteria

  • Each artist’s work should be an original expression.
  • Prints will be identified as such on the front or next to the piece.
  • Note cards are permitted but must be no larger than 5X7 inches, individually packaged and placed in a rack or bin, attached to the fence.
  • Only works of art conceived entirely by the artist are allowed and all works must contain the artist’s signature. This includes paintings, drawings, photographs, and digital artwork.
  • Mixed media collages will be subject to review.
  • Work must be framed, matted, or gallery wrapped with the canvas stretched on the back of the artwork and the artwork continued onto the exposed sides.
  • Nudes are not permitted.
  • Copying another artist’s work is not only unprofessional, but may be copyright infringement.
  • Crafts, including T-shirts, bookmarks, trinkets, etc. and three-dimensional work are not allowed.
  • Each artist needs to have at least one original piece of artwork on the fence that represents that same or similar technique used in the prints shown. It is understood that this is not possible for photographers and digital artists as all works are printed.
  • Each artist needs to have their prints labeled as such. Whether they are in a bin or individually displayed, they need to be labeled. Single signs indicating a group of pieces is acceptable.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), or any tool used to remove human involvement, and prints made from the use of such tools, are not acceptable to show on the fence.
  • If any single piece shown on the fence has been questioned to be artificially generated by a committee member, then the artist will need to provide sufficient proof of the original creation of the digital work.
  • Photographs originally taken by the artist and slightly edited, retaining the original look of the photo, using AI or digital tools is acceptable. Original paintings that have used AI art as reference are acceptable.
  • Digital prints made from photographs taken by the artists and later augmented by adding paint on top of said prints are acceptable but must be listed as such.

The Committee has final determination on suitability of display for all work.



  • Artwork may only be displayed in the assigned area.
  • Hanging from or attached to the fence.
  • In a suitable rack attached to the fence.
  • On A-frame pegboards or a display subject to Committee approval.
  • Matted pieces may be displayed in a standing rack abutting the fence that does not interfere with traffic flow.
  • Artwork may not be shown leaning against trees, bushes, cars, or any place other than the one described herein.
  • Supplementary displays are subject to Committee approval and must be within the assigned spaces.
  • Artists on the fence will set up their chairs, etc., aligned with the trees to create a walkway for guests to view artwork on the fence comfortably.
  • Artists in the A-frame pegboard area will not display on the fence, and artists using the fence will not use pegboards.
  • Up to four pegboards may be used per space. (Pegboard size is usually two feet by four feet with six-inch legs).


Licensing and Insurance

  • Artists will obtain a personal General Excise Tax License in their name from the Department of Taxation, 830 Punchbowl Street, and are required to show it to the Secretary prior to participating.
  • Artists are required to have their GE license with them while at the show.
  • The Organization shall carry sufficient liability insurance as required by the Parks and Recreation Department.
  • The committee will renew the operating permit annually.


Space Assignment

  • A space is between two fence posts or a similar distance when using pegboards.
  • Each artist is assigned one space and may show artwork only in that space.
  • The Secretary will assign permanent spaces to permanent members based on seniority.
  • Permanent members who cannot attend must notify the Secretary in advance. This allows placing stand-by artists. The Committee will take action when permanent members repeatedly fail to show up without notification.
  • Spaces still empty by 9:00 AM will be forfeited and may be assigned by the Secretary, without regard to seniority.
  • Artists unable to arrive by 9:00 AM but still desiring to exhibit must notify the Secretary.
  • Permanent artists who fail to make arrangements and arrive after 9:00 AM may request an empty space from the Secretary.
  • The Secretary has complete authority and final say on space assignments.
  • Empty spaces detract from the appearance and break continuity so every effort will be made to fill all spaces. If all spaces are not filled by 9:00 AM artists may spread out at the discretion of the Secretary.


Working at the Show

The process of creating art is interesting to the general public and highly encouraged at the show. Our exhibition is meant to be a learning experience for the public. Artists shall work in their assigned areas. Easels are for work in progress only, not for signs or displaying artwork. Workshops are not permitted.

Additional issues not covered by these rules or clarifications will be at the discretion of the Liaison Committee. Artists should raise concerns regarding Zoo Fence issues with the Committee. However, artists should not individually trouble the City and County Officials with Zoo Fence issues.


Additional issues not covered by these rules or clarifications will be at the discretion of the Liaison Committee. Artists should raise concerns regarding Zoo Fence issues with the Committee. However, artists should not individually trouble the City and County Officials with Zoo Fence issues.

Benefits of Membership

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